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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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ukraine's president agrees to consider some of the oppositions to the country's capital becomes. you and u.s. diplomats meeting with both sides of the standoff. itself to police push back anti-government protesters and clear some of the barricades allowing parts of the city to return to work up to the days of paralysis. also to sow the u.k. once companies against dealing with israeli partners in the occupied territories it biegel status makes business highly risky for british. business start to the week for having met the country's top human rights watch dogs to discuss a massive russian president orders the military to focus on the cold front yet.
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not from our studios and here in moscow which just turned ten pm this is international government offices in ukraine a functioning again off to troops and rock police dismantled some of the barricades that paralyzed the city it's been a day of diplomacy with several key meetings. for us. of two weeks of stalemate and some violent clashes a possible break for a new cranium president victory in a code which has agreed to release all protesters who've been arrested throughout the course of these demonstrations and he's also hinted that he could sign at the e.u. association agreement of the rule he says that he could sign it is early as march
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of kiev in brussels can strike a deal which doesn't harm the ukrainian economy now e.u. officials had earlier said that the deal does remain on the table but that it was known negotiable was going to be interesting to see what the response from the opposition is to these concessions they have course have a number of key demands which included the resignation of president yana cove each of these government and a snap election now this all comes on a day of diplomacy in the capital yeah nikolaevitch met with three former ukrainian presidents to discuss the situation while high profile diplomats from america and europe are also in kiev the assistant secretary of state victoria nuland and foreign policy chief catherine ashton a meeting representatives from both sides to try and find with our diplomatic and political solution to the standoff and the opposition movement continue to be boyd by support from overseas but as i now report not only information to find its way
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onto the streets of kiev is accurate he traveled around the world in an instant he gave hope and support to the protesters ensuring freezing conditions on kiev's independence square he represented unity and solidarity only he was a lie because he was even reach we had on the official twitter page of opposition party fatherland as real news with a common bond the whole world is supporting the korean protesters done created a hoax photo showing the united states and brazil had lit up their most famous monuments in the colors of the ukrainian flag as a show of support to kiev opposition. movement people camping out are made and don't check this information says are spread to instigate people into more action to prevent protestors from running out of steam and to draw more support for a certain political power this is just one piece of false information that is either helped fuel the protests or given them an injection of support in recent
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days media reports that ukrainian president viktor yanukovych had agreed to join russia's customs union hard in the resolve of many on may down even though the story was immediately denied by moscow and kiev those who remember those so-called orange revolution in two thousand and four will remember we were told then that the russian spetznaz special forces lurking in the woods and. they were and nothing happened so we're seeing a kind of propaganda war psychological war taking place using these rumors of both the crackdown domestically and even foreign interference rumors spread quickly on the internet and many a taken is fact one minute it's claimed russia is going to cross the border and help stamp out the protests the next special forces shipped in from all over ukraine and tanks are rumbling their way into central kiev all helping fear and agitation rumble their way into the minds of the protesters who right now you can see how tense the situation is we are in a sort of no man's land outside the presidential palace and to my right hand side
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you can see a line of riot police who formed a blockade not allowing any protesters in but if you pan around to my left hand side you can see the protesters have set up their own blockade not allowing anyone in to carry out their official business and we're left with this rather tense standoff it's clear that when the situation is tense is there any misinformation whether deliberate or not has the potential for huge consequences both scots r.t. kiev ukraine and historian dr marcus papadopoulos i spoke to him earlier he says the visits of the western diplomats to kiev are ultimately aimed at using ukraine to isolate russia. certainly portraying themselves as knights in shining armor that saved the day in ukraine and. that line is being spun by western major it would make a great hollywood movie it really would the reality of course is very different the reality is that the crisis in ukraine has been instigated by the west and i say the
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west which is the european union because the european union a key component of the west and what we're seeing is not simply a matter of does ukraine join the european union or the customs union for the west it's a matter of what has been going on for the last twenty years since the collapse of the soviet union the west for the last twenty years has been attention to place a sanitary cordon around russia. will be bringing you more expert opinion and analysis of events there in ukraine as well as live updates from the capital throughout the day all the latest developments are also available on our website or to cause. damage to a company's reputation and a whole host of legal and economic risks these are the main threats outlined by the u.k. government to any firms thinking of doing any business with their partners in israeli
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settlements in the west bank or these tests are similar explains what's behind the reaction but explicit expression of its position over israeli settlements in occupied territories which are considered illegal under international law the u.k. government's a trade and investment arm had issued a warning at british businesses over the risks of involvement in economic and financial activities in the settlements and one of those could be a potential damage to the company's reputation now i spoke with the u.k. said trade and investment all and they told me that these are voluntary a guidelines but they did also confirm that the u.k. government has. not recognize the occupied territories including the settlements as part of israel and insisted that business and respect for human rights should go had it had on two thousand not the british government issued another voluntary guidelines to retailers and supermarkets to allow them to label the settlement produce so that consumers can make an informed choice on their purchases so this
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isn't the first time that such a warning has been issued here in europe earlier this year in july you had also said that it would stop granting funds to bodies that include academic or research institutions and also anyone with links to israeli settlements and also said that any future contracts between the e.u. and israel must explicitly exclude the settlements the reaction to that warning. had drawn a lot of criticism from israel an official calling it an earthquake and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu angry over what he called external dictators it was four hours reaction to this u.s. u.k. warning is concerned it has been more subdued the israeli embassy here in london had told. and concerned however it did welcome the confirmation and the guideline that the british government is also opposed to any outright boycott richard shelby author and journalist covering the middle east realizes it won't get away with
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building settlements will. expressed their disappointment with this new measure and you know the disappointment of course is to do with the fact that for a very long time now israel has been able to continue with this policy of settlement expansion in the occupied west bank despite this being against international law despite being urged to restrain and to stop doing so by the international community and it has assumed for a long time but it would just be talk that it will carry on doing what it wants and it will get knuckles and that's about it but now we're starting to see actual change when the e.u. issued its directive in july and it's very peace organization likened it to pouring a bucket of cold water over a drunk it has that sort of shock factor and shock effect on the israeli government . poor greeks clinging to dear life a new report shows as much as a call for the population cannot afford the most basic of health care putting
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children and pregnant women in danger. throw away the key that seems to be the psychology behind a booming us federal prison population thirty percent. in the budget. a day after introducing an amnesty bill of thousands of people to the twentieth anniversary of the constitution that has got together with russia's top human rights watch dogs trying to get the kremlin and some of its chief critics to work together. was there for us it's really important to understand that some of these people meeting with the president today are among the critics of the kremlin today wasn't really about accusations but it was more about celebration quite a relaxed and friendly atmosphere inside the residence of the head of state they
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had some champagne and they really marked the twentieth anniversary. with. that human rights. and its core but of course it wasn't only about russia's main a lot. clearly are working. which could affect up to twenty five thousand people in a serious news a. speculation began and it's still continuing. benefit from it and i've spoken to some of the representatives human rights groups who met with the president today and they said there's a good chance that the six thirty group of greenpeace activists who were arrested in the russian north are just lifted against them. so they could potentially. actual sentence time and other opposition activists could also be freed from jail as well but we do. this is still speculation we do know that the plan. should not
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include serious crimes so severe. that of course he will be freed from jail in the nearest future and returning to today's meeting it was quite a friendly atmosphere like i said and the president also quoted nelson mandela seeing that freedom isn't only about escaping from handcuffs but it's also about respecting the freedoms of others while the parliament still hashing out the fine print but let's consider who might fall under the bill for now nonviolent offenders jailed for up to five years could see their crimes pardoned those considered particularly vulnerable for economical health reasons or specifically targeted here combat veterans pregnant women and young offenders could see their slates wiped clean and the bill makes a special case for those charged with taking part in mass disorder or hooliganism regardless of their age or gender or putin's meetings today may have ended with human rights activists but they began with the military top brass russia's
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president ordered the armed forces to focus first and foremost on a new frontier the arctic global warming and spawned an international race for its resources owners artie's lucy company told my colleague shep a valid it's all getting quite heated. well basically mr putin said that the military russia's military presence in the arctic region is going to be one of the top priorities for the country he emphasized the importance of a soviet era military base in the new superior islands which the military had started to overhaul earlier this year now russia officials say that this facility is very important for sort of protecting shipping routes that basically link europe and the pacific region across the across the arctic ocean but of course that's not the only base there's a whole chain actually of bases in that area that had fallen basically into neglect after the soviet union had collapsed and mr putin said that those would be referred to and built up again show of course there are so many contenders that so many countries want a. pie is
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a color so altered state. basically it's the arctic's abundant resources while natural gas and minerals that are because of climate change are now becoming accessible whereas they weren't really before now the arctic could hold some ninety billion barrels of oil and nearly one thousand seven hundred trillion cubic feet of natural gas that's according to the u.s. geological survey and that could be up to ten percent of the world's petroleum supply there's also precious iron ore rare earth minerals and so a lot of very profitable resources that could make a lot of money for different companies and countries the warming climate has also opened up a northern sea route that's basically ice free during the summer and that's not in countries like china interested as well because for example for china if they were to use that route to trade to ship things to europe that cuts thirty percent off of the costs and experts predict with the melting of the ice caps that many more ships not necessarily ice breakers will be able to go through there so again a lot of money and a lot of basically profits potentially at stake here with all these claims being
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made as well as those military forces being beefed up it seems a bit dangerous will do things their old experience it certainly doesn't mean the worry is that this could spark some sort of you know perhaps an arms race essentially over their resources here. because again i mean this area doesn't necessarily belong to any one country there's a u.n. . law the u.n. convention of the law of the sea that governs this area and there's a bunch of countries that have signed on to it but again with the polar ice caps melting with more resources becoming available different countries are sort of haggling over political and economic leadership in the area and we've actually already seen an escalation of this for example on monday the canadian foreign minister said that canada and intends to lay claim to the north pole as part of its bid to assert control over the arctic that of course is raising tensions with russia and so it really is unclear how this will develop but certainly as those resources become more available more countries do want to take to this area that
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before no one really cared about the boundaries because the stuff wasn't really obsessive. syria's toxic disarmament could be about to fail to clear. the international agency helping the country get rid of its chemical also says rebels could stand in the mission's way and try to capture the weapons meet key deadline will be missed the stories of.
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the consensus. choose. to. choose the stories that imply to. choose peace. the south african city of johannesburg has never witnessed so many of the world's elite all together in one place crowds gathered to bid farewell to nelson mandela a man seen as the ultimate symbol of peace but as paula slid found out the memorial
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service was a place for both grieving and posing. today was one of the most important days in south africa's history as tens of thousands of south africans in international dignitaries from all corners of the globe turned out to pay their last respects to nelson mandela it was one in a series of memorials that are being held throughout the week that will culminate with his funeral on sunday in his hometown of qunu in the eastern cape but as always on these sad and often tragic occasions world leaders use the opportunity for their own personal politicking not least of all the american president barack obama who raised quite a few are brothers when he shook the hands of the cuban leader now this is despite the fact that an embargo is in place between the two countries the bomber was also smiling alongside the british prime minister david cameron and the danish leader they actually took a self shot of themselves and this despite the fact that there has been some kind
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of friction particularly between the united states and britain in recent weeks and recent months at the same time it was noted that the comment that was made by the czech prime minister who was caught on camera when he was commenting over the fact that he had a knee injury and might not be able to attend mandela's funeral that at that time he said and i'm quoting i'm dreading i will have to go in the end he did not come but his foreign minister did come and what this does point to is the fact that world leaders use these kind of opportunities as an opportunity not only to pay respect to south africa's greatest son but also as an opportunity for their own personal gains. let's get more now on the unexpected. and cuban leaders with eva got injured she's a venezuelan american attorney and officer was it just a hunch or can we read more into this. i don't really think we
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can read much into this it seems as though really had no other choice had he not shaken the hand of president raul castro then he would have looked extremely bad except especially in that scenario when he's at the funeral of one of the world's greatest leaders who focus specifically on how to overcome all those kinds of differences between peoples races amongst other things. i think that it's just another one of obama's insincere gestures you know he also showed. his hand a few years ago at a summit of the americas in trinidad but then he proceeded to implement policies that were very aggressive towards venezuela so i don't think this is going to signify any kind of change or shift in u.s. policy towards cuba and yet some would say washington minutes to strike a deal with a rock for relations with cuba. well
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it certainly could it's just that there hasn't been any sign besides this unexpected encounter that that was on the plate of obama's government administration for the upcoming year in fact his government has tightened some of the restrictions against cuba has loosened and made flexible others but obama also took a jab in his speech i think that was directed towards castro and others when he made some kind of statement about the fact that some of the leaders there didn't respect dissidents in their own countries i think he was trying to make up for the fact that he would be heavily criticized for having. shaken castro's hand so i don't think that in any way this indicates that washington has some kind of plan to ease relations with cuba shores certainly a lot of criticism from the cuban the u.s. and it's considered this and it was one of the most horrible i mean the world how
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do you think they would react towards this. they have already reacted with you know harsh words for obama but again all of that ends up being ridiculous so we have to remember that this is a world of diplomacy and often those encounters take place and they don't mean much i mean the last president of the united states to shake cuban president's hand over the past fifty years or more that the countries haven't had diplomatic relations with clinton in the year two thousand he shook females hand but again i mean under the clinton administration the blockade against cuba was tightened and the policies were made even more aggressive you know it doesn't really mean anything it's part of the insincere diplomacy that occurs in these kinds of world events that unfortunately have little impact on our day to day reality thanks for the good to talk to a lot of your a military thank you. the chemical agency overseeing syria's toxic disarmament
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says there's a high chance the next phase won't be completed on time under the most critical chemical should be transported out of the country by the end of this year but since the route from damascus to the port city of the takia runs through rebel held areas there are fears the weapons could end up in the hands of extremists before syria has complied with all the deadlines and he's expected to finish the process in the middle of next year french journalist says that even though the rebels may follow the mission it's the government which we throw into the dogs. the big danger of course is that they would get their hands on chemical weapons this is what we should be focusing on here the syrian rebels could get their hands on chemical weapons these are not responsible actors these are not professional soldiers these are recruited death squads they've been trained by nato in turkey america funded by the gulf states and so that's the big danger the whole modus operandi here is to
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use for these gangs to commit crimes war crimes and crimes against humanity systematically blame the syrian government so of course the syrian government get the blame for everything they have been blamed for the entire war that to bring it up to date for the moment i'll be back with a news team with more for you in just over half an hour from now in the meantime abby martin takes a look at whether the world has a real alternative to atomic energy is all to international. i play this street cleaner who's in love with a waitress i go on stage managing that there's an audience i used to take drugs and drink like a fish. the police told me about the circus but i was such a punk i was like what circus.
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circus of clinton's gonna. break down stereotypes about kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. they look like bounty garlands where the locals can enjoy the sun and the ocean. but what was buried here years ago. means these people are suffering the consequences. how much more poison lies on the ground. behind this there is what we call the callet bank on which there was a deposit of plutonium left by security test which caused the dispersion already and you clyde's despite previous cleaning efforts there remains a deposit of a little less than two kilos of plutonium stuck in the rock the coral reef about
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ten metres down. a never ending legacy. deliberate torture is on a big journey to such. one hundred and twenty three days. through to my number two cities of. relate fourteen thousand people or sixty thousand to live. in a record setting trip by land air and sea in other states. let's take a large really. are. what's up everyone i'm abby martin and this is breaking this that guy's health and worry
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about the kind of literature children are leading in this country looks like cat and i have a very hungry caterpillar are so outdated i mean those are so two thousand and late which is why today i'm very excited about the release of ted cruz's brand new children's book this richest oracle narrative not only outlines his rise of the senate but it teaches america's children how to take their country back croons style it's called ted cruz to the future but you're probably recalled ted cruz of the past because that's where this book is taking our kids one of the themes is the importance of religion when it comes to politics because it all separation of church and state thing was just a suggestion another of course is obamacare that suggests that it's worse than mass murder for profit because according to ted cruz providing health care to poor people is quote worse than any war but the best part the absolute best part about this is that it's a coloring book which means your children will get a unique chance to interact with chris's ideology and film the texas senator's hollow lifeless outline with color but surprisingly this isn't the first time that
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propaganda about the government has been made palatable for children who can forget the nine eleven commission reports dumbed down common. book version or what about the bin laden raid coloring book titled the kids book of freedom guys this trends go to and don't indoctrinate your kids with pre-established political beliefs before they can even read now let's break the set. the key please please a little very hard to take under the. law he ever had sex with her thick hair.
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i know i often harp on the dangers of nuclear energy on the show in fact i've called it technological insanity after all with the risk of radioactive disaster and no legitimate long term waste storage plan what else can you call it what if there was a nuclear alternative that could safely and effectively generate clean energy this nuclear option might exist with the ram and element three to four times more abundant an iranian to explain everything in detail that is the worry in the possibilities of this potentially revolutionary technology i was joined earlier by david martin chief executive of the weinberg foundation i started by asking him why is a better alternative to uranium and plutonium. for nuclear energy purposes really need
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to separate between saurian as a fuel but for the element. in field reactors i think that is you know there is this some sometimes some confusion between the two and then i. flew out of the drones to spy on both of. you know technical challenge is also perhaps in pixels as well but i think in both cases for both the story and feels and the story is the the advanced as as far. the way that the disability. authority feel would be one that we would be told to feel that would go in a traditional conventional reactor so the current generation of reactors. a light water reactor for instance or heavy water reactor the kind of reactors that we've had for about the last fifty years by knowledge around the world three in fuel and those types of reactors would. be as a higher melting point you have higher safety margins has a whole bunch of physical characteristics that make it a little more stable. perhaps more stable.


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